Thursday, 28 March 2013

Learn to Speak Thai - Beginners Part 2


Look  doo
See  hen
Eat  gin (grin without the “r”)
Buy    sue
Sleep    lap/non/non lap
Wake up  dtiiurn
Eyes    taa
To close your eyes (go to sleep) lap ta
Dreams  fun
Good night  raa dee sawat
May be    art jar
Play    len
Speak    poot
Funny    sanook
Everything  took sing took yarng
Fast    rauw
Slow    cha cha
Where is  … u tee nay
Where am I?  chan u tee nai OR tee nee tee nai
Over there  tee norn
Here    tee nee
Why    tum my
When    muer rai


To make a question just add my (mai) at the end. This is correct in most instances. When you use the word my (mai) at the end of a sentence, it means you are asking a question.
Are you hungry? coon hue my
Are you happy?  coon sabbi dee my
To make the negative add my (mai) at the beginning.
To use the word my in front of a word means  no/don't.
Can       dai
Can not    my dai
I don't understand  my cow jai
No thanks    my ow cup
I don't like it    pom my chop
Have      me
I have      pom me
I don't have    pom my me
You have    coon me
You don't have    coon my me
I know      pom roo
I don't know    pom my roo

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